Plane Flying - Tiger Airways Flights GroundedThis is an unscheduled blog post. I have just checked my credit card statement and the refunds have just come through from Tiger Airways!

I must say that I am extremely relieved to receive these refunds for 6 separate tickets, 3 people on 2 different flights. We thought we would have also heard from them in regards to the Tiger Airways refunds.

We have not received any emails or communication from Tiger Airways in any way apart from the email received 4 days after our scheduled flights saying that the flights had been cancelled… Four days late, but at least it was a form of communication.

We have not received any communication in any form regarding our request that Tiger reimburse us for the additional costs that we incurred for having to find accommodation for an extra day and also the car hire costs for this additional day. So that is disappointing.

Overall we are still out of pocket an extra few hundred dollars, but at least we have received these 3 refunds for the three bookings that we had with Tiger.

I hope that the remaining Tiger Airways customers will also be successful in receiving their refunds as we have!

Please if you have any comments or want to share your own experience then feel free to leave a comment below. We would love to hear your personal experiences.

Leanne Annett  <><

2 Responses to “News Flash: Tiger Airways Refund Received”

  1. yarema troynar

    As yet have not received a refund.Could you please let me know when I can expect the said refund, as I am a pensioner .


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