I just wanted to write a short post to tell you about my Youtube channel.

I really love working on this website and sharing our travels and adventures with our readers. It is a passion of mine and something that I enjoy doing each week.

In addition to writing about our travels I also really like making short video clips of our holidays and vacations around Australia and further afield, whether that be cruising, traveling to neighboring New Zealand, Fiji or other Pacific Islands.

So I thought that I would give you the link to WorldTravelGeeks Youtube channel in case you want to check out all of our videos.

World Travel Geeks Youtube Channel

There are usually more videos on our channel than are currently on our website as it takes me a little longer to write the blog post and add it in here to what it does to create the video and upload it to Youtube.

Click to go to WorldTravelGeeks Youtube Channel

Once you are on our Youtube page then you can see our videos. On the right hand side of the screen should be a column showing our most recent videos. If you can only see three videos or so then click on “See All” to reveal more videos. You will then be able to scroll down this list of videos to find what you are looking for.

Most weeks we are uploading videos and so there should always be something new to see.

If you like our videos then why not click on Subscribe so that you will be notified when we upload new clips?

At the moment we are still creating and uploading videos from our recent trip to Tasmania. Then we have some more from our vacation in Coffs Harbour to make and upload.

We are heading off to Surfers Paradise next month so there should be something from that holiday that we can share with you.

Have a great week and Remember to Enjoy Life, Smile at a Stranger and Make a Difference in the World!

Your Friend,

Leanne Annett <><

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